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Acidity Medicine

Unlock the advantages of our Acidity Medicine, which includes Mulethi Churna and Avipattikar Churna. Our company, with over 8.0 years of experience, is a top supplier, trader, wholesaler, retailer, dealer, fabricator, and producer of this special medicine. Our supply ability in the domestic market is unparalleled, covering all of India. Purchase our marvelous Acidity Medicine for its unmatchable benefits, including relief from heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion. It also helps in regulating the digestive system and reducing inflammation. Our Acidity Medicine is made from natural ingredients and is safe for consumption. Say goodbye to acidity problems with our Acidity Medicine.

Avipattikar Churna

  • Supply Ability:100 Per Month
  • Dosage Guidelines:take 1 to 2 spoons after both lunch and dinner, two times a day.
  • Age Group:For Adults
  • Dosage:100gm
  • Physical Form:Churan
  • Function:Herbal Medicine
  • Storage Instructions:Room Temperature
Price: 95.00 INR/Bottle

Mulethi Churna

  • Dosage:100gm
  • Age Group:For Adults
  • Dosage Guidelines:take 1 to 2 spoons after both lunch and dinner, two times a day.
  • Storage Instructions:Room Temperature
  • Function:Herbal Medicine
  • Physical Form:Churan
  • Supply Ability:100 Per Month
Price: 80.00 INR/Bottle